Help Contribute

There are different ways where you can help contribute at Kwamama. Simply select the options below to jump to info on how you can help us…

  1. Offering financial donations
  2. Contributing material donations
  3. Becoming a Kwamama collection point
  4. Volunteering your time and services

Material Donations

We are always on the look out for used or new material donations to keep Kwa.mama running, help clothe, educate and entertain our children, as well as stock our Token Shop for our permanent working members. Please see our wish-list below as well as a collection point closest to you where you can drop off your contributions.

Wish-list: (new or used!)
– Art materials; paper, paints, paint brushes
– Educadtional equipment; books, puzzles
– Stationary; rulers, pencils, rubbers
– General; DVDs, CDs,
– Household goods; cups, sheets, odd bits of furniture
– Clothes; baby, children and adult clothing

Where you can Donate

Donations can be dropped off at:

Mozambic Restaurant


Become a collection point

If you would like to help by becoming a collection point, please contact us with your details to arrange this.


If you feel you would like to donate or assist in any way, kindly contact us. If not in the form of physical giving, your presence, love and care would also be appreciated.